It’s Christmas television season but, it wouldn’t be the festive holidays without a re-run of Daniel Craig’s 2012 blockbuster James Bond, Skyfall.
As the UK settles down to watch the hit movie, we decided to have a little fun and see if 007 would have passed his driving test based on his motoring in the film. If Daniel Craig fails the road rules, he will do it in Aston Martin style!
We have teamed up with an independent driving instructor to analyse how 007 handles the film’s incredible cars on the streets of London. We decided to count how many ‘majors’ and ‘minors’ the secret agent collects as he drives in the film.
In the UK there are three types of “faults” on driving tests. They are called driving, serious, or dangerous. Driving faults are often nicknamed “minors”, and serious or dangerous are often nicknamed “majors”. A major fault means the test will result in a failure.
During your test, drivers can have a certain number of minors, but too many minors in one category can become a serious. A serious is where there is a high risk of danger, or a legal requirement has been breached. A dangerous fault is where there is actual danger to a person or property.
Analysing 007’s driving on screen in Skyfall, it would appear James Bond is not even the equivalent of quarter of the way through his UK driving test before he fails with a dangerous!
In conclusion Bond would have failed the 40-minute test with three majors: One dangerous for mounting the kerb, one serious for signal use and one serious for corner cutting, and around five minors for repeated lack of signal use. Our expert believes 007 needs to work on his steering and perhaps take up some refresher lessons.
A little about our expert partner Z Drive, based in Marple Bridge, Stockport Z-Drive is owned by Zeki Al-Khishali, he is also A former Trustee of Manchester RoSPA’s Advanced Drivers and Riders.